Saturday, April 14, 2007

Re: Picasso - Part 01

When I was young, had been inspired by most of the “Artistic Painter” like…

Leonardo da Vinci (1452 ~ 1519)
Pablo Picasso (1881 ~ 1973)
Vincent Willem van Gogh (1853 ~1890 )
Gustav Klimt (1862 ~ 1918)
Willem de Kooning (1904 ~ 1997)

During that time, I just wonder why all those Master had so demiurgic mind set to draw and paint with their art work.

My favorite Master Artist Painter is Pablo Picasso (1881 ~ 1973), who is one of the most recognized artist in 20th century art.

Pablo Picasso (1881 ~ 1973)

Picasso was born in Málaga, Spain in 1881, he was a Spanish painter and sculptor.

In the age of 9, Picasso has train by his father José Ruiz y Blasco (1838-1913) who also was a Spanish painter and art teacher. Picasso also attended carpenter schools throughout his childhood but he never finished his college-level course of study at the Academy of Arts (Academia de San Fernando) in Madrid.

The most funny part for this Master Artist is… His full name is
Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Clito Ruiz y Picasso.

Picasso artwork is often categorized into "periods". While the names of many of his later periods are debated, the most commonly accepted periods in his work are…

Blue Period (1901–1904)
Rose Period (1905–1907)
African-influenced Period (1908–1909)
Analytic Cubism (1909–1912)
Synthetic Cubism (1912–1919).

Here is his some of the artwork...

The Old Guitarist (Year 1903)
Blue Period (1901–1904)

Les_Demoiselles_d'Avignon(Year 1907)
Rose Period (1905–1907)

Garçon à la pipe (Year 1905)
Rose Period (1905–1907)

This is Picasso highest selling painting. Calling prices tag at USD$111.2 millions.

Picasso's highest selling painting, Garçon à la pipe (Boy with a pipe) was painted during this Rose Period.

The Rose Period signifies the time when the style of Pablo Picasso's painting used cheerful orange and pink colours in contrast to the cool, sombre tones of the previous Blue Period. It lasted from 1905 to 1907. He was happy in his relationship with Fernande Olivier whom he had met in 1904 and this has been suggested as one of the possible reasons he changed his style of painting.

Lately, I was using Picasso unique painting style to teach all my primary school students in their Digital Art courses in infocomm club multimedia training.

Their just using Adobe Photoshop build in plug in (filters) like Liquify, Artistic Cutout, Fresco, Palette Knife, Dry Brush can do the job very well.

Some how, all my kids love to play the Liquify effects when they learn the photoshop skill set. I am also creating small project work for them like create “Picasso-look-a-like” master artwork. I am name the project work as “Picasso Jr.”

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