pls turn up ur volume
We are gona
uncle Tan Zhiming!
What's happening over here ?
"Ensemble, nous sommes la seule clique qui peut combattre l'armée cyclopéenne de la mort de l'enfer pour protéger notre futur et gloire" (French)
“Together, we are the only clique who can fight the cyclopean death army from hell to protect our future and glory”(English)
"一緒に、私達は私達の未来および栄光を保護するために地獄からの巨石死の軍隊を戦うことができる唯一の派閥である" (Japanese)
"团结一致, 我们是唯一的一群可以和地狱来的死亡军队战斗到底来保护我们的未来和荣耀". (Chinese)
"Insieme, siamo l'unica cricca che può combattere l'esercito cyclopean di morte da inferno per proteggere il nostri futuro e glory" (Italian)
"Après que la boisson trop de tube et de moi d'analyse d'urine de Paul deviennent juste comme celle ! !"(French)
"After drink too many Paul urine test tube and i just become like that !!" (English)
"飲み物がそのように余りにも多くのポールの尿検査の管および私ちょうどなった後!!" (Japanese)
"喝了太多保罗的尿液之后,就会变成我这样哦! "(Chinese)
"Dopo che la bevanda troppi urina ed io del Paul diventi appena come quella" (Italian)
I am just use this basic flower photography as my photograph.
Over here, I use Cut Out as my prime effects
Combination of the setting will give you better result.
7) Once you finish create the effects in Liquify, just click OK and generate the effects into your photograph.
“Picasso-Look-a-like” Artistic Painting.
Adjust your document setting accordingly.
The Old Guitarist (Year 1903)
Blue Period (1901–1904)
Les_Demoiselles_d'Avignon(Year 1907)
Rose Period (1905–1907)
Garçon à la pipe (Year 1905)
Rose Period (1905–1907)
This is Picasso highest selling painting. Calling prices tag at USD$111.2 millions.
Picasso's highest selling painting, Garçon à la pipe (Boy with a pipe) was painted during this Rose Period.From HQ, we have...
Mui Hua... and AMT - Gerrett, Marvin, Allan and Liling !!
And some how.. this is the rest of the photo...